DEI’s Direct Impact on Organisation Performance

Blog cover DEI’s Direct Impact on Organisation Performance

To overcome talent shortage challenges, many organisations are expanding their talent pool by hiring more diverse candidates. In addition to seeking diverse backgrounds, organisations also expect these candidates to bring a range of skills, knowledge, and experiences to enhance company innovation and  performance.  However, if not managed properly, diversity could lead to undesirable conflicts among […]

Skills-based hiring in different occupations: how does job analysis help?

Skills-based Hiring in different occupations: How does job analysis help?

To thrive in today’s dynamic business environment, your company must equip itself with employees possessing diverse skill sets, ensuring adequate skill flexibility within the organisation. This flexibility allows organisations to adapt to potential changes in business strategy and eventually enhance company performance (Bhattacharya et al., 2005).  Skill-based hiring is a solution for building a company […]

Skill-based Hiring: Transferable Skills vs. Job-Specific Skills

a woman looking at two types of skills job specific and transferable

The skills needed to succeed in the workplace are different from before and the need for targeting the right skills during hiring are more urgent than ever. Relying on traditional hiring methods (eg., CV, motivation letter, education) that have low predictive power and “hidden” information is neither sufficient nor effective for us to identify the […]

Why Standardized Assessments Should be the First Step in Your Hiring Process

As we enter the era of information and technology, recruitment methods are no longer limited to written documents. We now have various options for collecting information and assessing candidates’ abilities, most common of them being standardised assessments. However, you may still rely on resumes, cover letters, and motivation letters as the initial documents to request […]

Hiring & Unconscious Behaviours, Why Assessments Should Allow People to Get ‘in the Zone’

image of a person who's unconscious behaviours are measured through a game-based assessment

While we are assessing our applicants, we all want our screening or assessment tools to perfectly and accurately tell us about their abilities. Sadly, here’s a not-so-fun fact:  Not a single assessment is able to  100% accurately predict someone’s future performance.  Even with the best assessments, things like social desirability, test anxiety, or test motivation […]

Self-assessments in Hiring & Why They Simply Don’t Work

Self-assessments, which rely solely on subjective opinions, are widely used in hiring processes. Some examples you might be familiar with are self-report personality questionnaires, such as The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and The Predictive Index, as well as a self-evaluated performance within an interview process.  Imagine a situation where you are answering an interview question […]

The Importance of Learning Ability and Working Memory in the Workplace

The ability to learn defines us as humans and it plays a big part throughout our lives without us even noticing it.  From the moment we are born, we begin to learn about the world, from incidentally learning everyday life survival skills such as crawling, walking and running, to intentionally learning what could be referred […]

The Scientific Explanation of Why Everyone is Biased in Hiring

I have a confession to make. I am biased. Actually, so are you. Every day we subconsciously make a lot of decisions and probably your most recent one was whether to read this article or not. Glad you’re here though. 🙂 We make decisions so frequently and most of the time we don’t even realize […]