The Importance of Employee Engagement

Did you know that companies with engaged workforces outperform their rivals by more than 200%? (Human Capital Institute)

Ensuring employee engagement, especially in a remote setting, can often be quite challenging. However, it is of utmost importance as higher employee engagement leads to improved productivity, efficiency, and overall quality of work.

And most importantly – engaged employees, are happy employees.

Our diverse board of panelists from Tech Talent Charter, 87%, Spinks, and Equalture discuss the importance of employee engagement within a business and the multitude of benefits this can bring!

  • Robin Beattie. Managing Director from Spinks. The Talent Partners to the global start-up and scale-up communities.
  • Lexie Papaspyrou, COO from Tech Talent Charter, a membership organization helping to provide the tools and strategies to its members to help boost Diversity and Inclusion in any workplace.
  • Charlotte Melkert, Co-Founder & CEO AT Equalture, on a mission to shape the world of unbiased hiring, together with an amazing team!
  • Andrew Bibby, CEO of 87%, a platform that uses data and insight to help organizations to measure, understand and improve mental wellbeing within the workplace and beyond


Insights you will take away from this panel discussion

  • The latest trends on employee engagement
  • Some of the key research and stats which supports the idea that employee engagement is essential to any business
  • Useful hints & tips to boost employee engagement at your organisation
  • Employee engagement projects that our panellists have completed & the results they obtained


Key takeaways

What companies need to understand is that employees are not just there to support the business, companies should also be there to support them.

That’s where ensuring employee engagement comes into play. Employee engagement is a buzzword that we all talk about but we rarely talk about the components of it.

Employee engagement is kind of like a proxy of two concepts: commitment and trust mutually, from employee and the employer. If there is low commitment and lack of trust, there will be higher attrition rates and lower employee retention. Ensuring employee engagement means you truly care about your people.

If you get the groundwork right, then you have a solid basis that you can use to carry out actions that are more intentional. Secondly, begin by setting up measures, work out what it is, what it means to you, how it will be measured, etc. Because after all – measurement makes you accountable. If you don’t hold yourself accountable, then what is the point of doing it? Leaders must be held accountable for their actions. Third, when you come to taking action around the plans you make, a practice of humility is really the best way to access this. Be transparent about what you are doing.

Humility helps to get the process started.

After all, your employees should be hired for who they are and what they have to offer, not to be molded into someone you want or someone that thinks the same way as you do.

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