We are used to hiring based on assumptions.
We assume someone with a master’s degree is smart.
We assume that someone more extroverted is better at sales.
We assume that someone with a clean resume is a structured person.
Unfortunately, hiring mistakes are being made when assuming instead of measuring.ย
When, in fact, the true success of hiring depends on how many objective measurements you have & how you use these measurements when making hiring decisions.
Luckily, there is a way to tackle this uncertainty and that is by harnessing the power of data and science, the right way.
In this guide, I will explain to you how it can help you to find the best talent out there, while simultaneously enlarging and diversifying your talent pool!
Cheers, Charlotte Melkert
Co-Founder & CEO at Equalture.
Insights you will get from this guide
Chapter I. Why do we use pre-employment screening
Chapter II. 3 things that go wrong during pre-employment screening
Chapter III. Solution? Data-driven recruitment
Chapter IV. Combining Data & Science: Gamification
Use Case. Equaltureโs game-based assessments