I have to make a confession here. Our first sales hire was a mishire. Yes, Equalture is a company that builds software to actually help companies prevent making the wrong hiring decisions. But we failed ourselves. In case you don’t know us yet: Equalture’s hiring software makes use of gamification (measuring skills and personality) to help scaleups SMBs hire people on predictive data instead of gut feeling and biases.
So, despite the fact that we have a tool that should have prevented this, we still failed. I can hear you thinking: How is that even possible? In this playbook, we will explain what mistakes we, as well as a lot of other companies, make, and what you can do to increase the hiring success within your sales team.
Simply because your Sales team is the engine of your company.
Cheers, Fleur Melkert
Co-Founder & CCO at Equalture
Insights you will get from this playbook
- The difference between The Art of Selling & The Danger of Selling
- How the 3 Ps: Product, Price, People influence who will succeed in your Sales Team
- The 3 most common mistakes everyone makes when hiring people for the Sales Team
- Use case: Gamification to create a “blueprint” of your top-performers
- How to design a case for Sales candidates