Equalture's Objective Hiring Framework.
We not only believe, but have also proven that, by structuring your hiring process according to the following four pillars, companies will achieve objective hiring, resulting in hiring success, efficiency and diversity.
Let's clarify something first. Objectivity isn't our goal.
It’s a means to our goal.
The right insights.
Cognitive abilities (GMA) and behaviours, instead of work experience and education.
Over the last hundred years, a lot of research has been conducted into the validity and utility of different selection methods that are being used in the hiring process. The outcomes of these researches show that education and work experience both have a very low correlation with future job performance, in contrast to cognitive abilities (GMA) and behaviour.
For that reason, Equalture focuses on a combination of cognitive abilities (GMA) and behaviours, combined with structured interviews, to maximise the chance of making the right hiring decision.
Schmidt, F. L. (2016). The Validity and Utility of Selection Methods in Personnel Psychology: Practical and Theoretical Implications of 100 Years of Research Findings.
Collected through the right assessment method.
Game-based assessments, instead of traditional assessments.
The Big Five. MBTI. The Figure Series test. We all know them, and most of us have completed one of these tests at least once in our career. A lot of companies are still relying on traditional assessment formats during the hiring process.
Traditional assessments, however, suffer from the following flaws, which significantly impacts their reliability:
- Trainable;
- Socially desirable;
- Culturally biased;
- Stressful.
Collected at the right time.
Crucial insights being collected at the start of the process, instead of later on.
We have always been used to first screening candidates based upon their resume and motivation letter, followed by conducting interviews and optionally introducing an assessment. If an assessment is being used, then it’s most common to be introduced after the first screening, or after the first interview.
The later an assessment is introduced in the process, the bigger the impact of your biases will be. Stereotyping Bias, Similarity Bias, and Halo/Horns Effect make us filter out high-fit candidates during the screening. Consequently, our Confirmation Bias makes us hire candidates who don’t fit the role, but did seem to fit in our heads. So, the later an assessment is being introduced, the more biases we have already suffered from.
For that reason, Equalture’s game-based assessments are introduced at the start of the hiring process, for all candidates. This way, the results help you form an objective first impression of your candidates, without any interference of the biases described above.
Benchmarked against the right criteria.
Your ideal hire defined based upon criteria that fit your specific job and company, instead of a template.
Most assessment tools work with standardised assessment templates – meaning that they ‘decide’ which characteristics are necessary for a specific role. That’s, however, not how we work, because we believe that one size fits no one. A Sales Exeuctive in your company could require completely different skills and behaviours than a Sales Executive in our company.
Instead of working with standardised templates, we help you define the requirements of your ideal hire, based on your specific company, and your specific role.
The proof that it works?
That’s our customer base.